Using IOT technology to give real-time information of what’s happening on the factory floor enhancing your MOM Software and MES software
It is widely believed that leveraging the power of IOT (Internet of Things) and IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) can bring a measurable difference to your manufacturing processes as well as giving rich, detailed, and actionable information to a wider audience than ever before. The benefits of using this technology with your MES software and MOM software cannot be understated as the convergence of physical and virtual worlds meet to create what has now been termed the Smart Factory. The core principles behind this new revolution and how factories collect and interpret data is easily surmised in the design principles outlined in the final report by the Industrie 4.0 / Industry 4.0 workgroup that met in 2013 in Germany. Firstly, the work group described the concept of interoperability, that is the capability of factory machines, devices, sensors, and people to connect and communicate with each other through the Internet of Things (IoT) or the Internet of People (IoP). The adoption of this principle leads directly onto the next which is information transparency the idea of taking all the information recorded by your machines, devices, sensors, and people and giving your organisation as a whole rich detailed and accurate information as to how your factory floor is performing. The more information you glean from your factory floor the more productive your workforce becomes leading to even greater efficiency than was previously imagined.
At Smart Factory, our wireless data acquisition system can be implemented within hours and can provide important operational insights and the rapid alteration of your work processes. If you would like to find out some more about how you can enhance you MES software and MOM software using innovative IoT technology and visualisation and analysis software to deliver greater efficiency then why not contact us at info@smartfactory.ie or call us on +353 61 518443.