Our IoT solutions give you insight into how your factory floor operates – providing real-time information to any part of your organisation
At SmartFactory, we are an IoT solutions technology company that provides services to companies who want to improve performance and increase efficiency. We capture, analyse and visualise your data using cutting edge senor technology and present it using our visualisation and analysis software, giving your workforce quality information into how your factory is performing.
With the emergence of new technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT) coupled with the application of Industrie 4.0/Industry 4.0’s vision for the “smart factory” of the future you can now use this information to get real-time information on every aspect of your enterprise.
SmartFactory allows you to display your choice of information in real-time, on any screen, to any part of your organisation. Use our Smart Digital technology to make your information visible to those that need it, in the place that’s relevant to them and with an accuracy like never before. Whether your data comes from the production line, the warehouse, the laboratory, call centre or HR, our innovative IoT solutions and our experience in delivering cutting edge IoT services, coupled with our analysis and visualisation software, can give your enterprise the information you need when you need it. At SmartFactory, we can take your raw data and make it useful to those that need it.
We believe our IoT solutions and services can make a measurable difference across your factory floor. If you would like to see a demonstration of what we can do for your factory floor then why not contact us at info@smartfactory.ie or call us on +353 61 518 443.